Summing up everything except ‘eating disorder’
Watch 4 calorie count?
Same plate of pancakes for 5 videos?😭
Redmi Watch 4 calorie count?
Elzanis last video…
Is this a recovery account?
excuse me 🤨
I came accross lydiaturnbull7 on tiktok
Elle Gibson's blatant body checks (TW)
g0ld.dust.woman aka Niamh's comeback
Emma__3213 JUST NOW, after 983488732 bodycheck videos, realised that she's too skinny
Repost from the other day for guidelines but SERIOUSLY this girl is infuriating
Wouldn't my therapist know it if I were actually depressed?
Name is @avecfilm on YouTube. Dunno if this is allowed here.
counting emfit’s calories!
In other words… “Yes I have a thigh gap and will do anything to maintain it”
Not exactly a recovery influencer, but... Elle Gibson???
“No, I don’t post body checks and I eat whatever I crave”
i’ve posted bugger lunches on shitty restriction food 😀
What's the worst thing a clinician has said to you while taking your weight?
Maintenance WIEIADs