What function would Gogmazios have?
Lagiacrus Nest is open on Title Screen Freecam
Please don’t say it’s true..
full hirabami gameplay (capture)
I’ll be honest: I don’t like this.
PlayStation Presents PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! streaming event with new info
Leaks From New Beta
Sharing one of the funniest end-screens to a Lavasioth Hunt (including Close-up for reaction purposes)
Sharing one of the funniest ends to any hunt against a Lavasioth (including close-up for reaction image purposes)
Merci Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
These three are my top favorite monsters! What three are your guys?
The 165 is (Not) Real
If you haven’t kept up with the Arkveld turf wars…
Original Arkveld & em0165
A Not-So-Brief Summary of what ISN'T in the beta files (Or; "How old this "beta" test build really is")
Akantor and Ukanlos?
WE HAD IT ALL WRONG: Conclusions on the Quest Progression, Piecing together Low Rank/High Rank, Weapon Trees, POSSIBLE Final Boss Revelation, and Which Monsters have which Weapons
"Heavy Tar" is (most likely) for Black Flame
RathalosWatch shows us he sucks again
Looks like the iceshard cliffs and em161 are getting revealed at TGA
Magnamalo leaked for mh wilds
About the Ice Apex and Gore Magala.
I honestly think we miss some monsters and the beta just didn't have them yet in.
With the beta datamines finally slowing down, here are some closing thoughts about Wilds' roster, potential and tempering your expectations.
Tried to make an image with all monsters and maps where (I suppose) they will be most important