I have pain in roots of my hair!!!
How do you respond when you know you're being manipulated with false statements?
My mom and I get into an argument over not shaving legs at least once a month.
Beleidigt worden im Bäcker. Wie hättet ihr reagiert?
Appropriate to chat in Teams while recipient is in a call?
nach hartem Arbeitstag runterkommen?
How do I relearn my job?
Kindergärtnerinnen mobben Kind. Neuer Job gefährdet. Was tun?
Ich habe mich in eine möglicherweise schizophrene Frau verliebt
Why do so many non-vegans care so much about their pets/have high empathy towards animals… except for farmed animals?
Can you be sued for copying an art style of another artist?
How do I stick up for myself?
Your funny language mistakes?
Muss ich meine Partnerin hübsch finden?
What is considered rude and disrespectful in Germany?
How can I determine whether I'm wrong or not?
AIO? Grandmother passed away in front of me and didn’t respond to boss for 2 1/2 hours
She is...
How many languages do you speak ?
German speakers never simply repeat themselves
I opened up towards my GF and I think it destroyed my relationship with her
Weiß jemand was sich hier in meiner Zimmerpflanze (Strelizie) eingeschlichen hat?
Anti inflammatory diet
How to not be offensive when complimenting someone's hair?
Wie beende ich diese Beziehung?