Highway Robbery
I present to you My wife’s humble collection
What to name him? Unserious names only
What’s been an unexpected game you love or your must plays?
Wife hates leather jacket
Are ramshorn snails murdering my guppies in the night?
name ideas for this little guy
Help decrypt my Wife’s Great Grandmother’s handwriting?
Help identifying treasure?
9 months of diet and exercise 5x per week without missing
3d printed gliutar
Where to find shirts like this?
Do people even like Canes?
Has the app gotten noticeably worse for anyone else since release?
Are Sonos products worth it right now with the poor app functionality?
Banned for telling the truth
Feral pigs in Columbia?
What can I do here to be less disgusting?
My only living parent is now dead to me.
Dear 400,000 Missourians who voted Yes on 3 but straight ticket Republican
To those who voted for Trump…
Devastating Diagnosis [OC]
This week is must win for me and I’m taking all advice. WHO DO I START
My latest guitar build called SYS32