Vitamin D Deficiency at a 15, everything sucks and I’m answerless
Uim suggestions while on mobile
Complete Kayvaan and Librarian
Time Has Come! Space Marine 2 Update!
With the introduction of Portable Hellbombs I have a fun idea. The ability to equipped bags to your hands and CHUCK EM. Throw that bomb for big boom! OR EVEN- Chuck your guard dog backpack and watch it guard the area of the bag! Shield bubble? PORTABLE THROW DOWN SHEILD Yes IK better options lol
Top Three Comments makes a change to the map
What subclass for a cleric?
Spawned in with a ledx on my first scav
Dear Nikita: Please don't fix this bug
I have played a total of one raid as a scav AMA
Why is my TTS model purchased as a 3d model from heroforge appearing as all black? How do I fix this?
Tiktok now be like - "There is no war in Ba Sing Se"
Hexblade Warlock (Lvl 10) Receiving an Epic Boon
If there's a John Helldiver who the heck is this?
Comment to add fictional American towns from books, games, shows, movies, etc.
Girlfriend bought an extra set of LOTR pre cons. What do?
Surprise Green Out - Edibles
Tell me your favorite video game!
LGBT pride themed Sisters of Battle series
What do you call these when your playing with your sqaud?
A message to the devs.
Never again
What would be the best method to write Corax on this bit of parchment?