Why are there no bears in TWD?
Who is hotter Rick or Shane?
I love when people ignore my scam warnings when they buy $500 in Apple gift cards
How did Maggie become a leader?
higher sex drive on T
Does planned parenthood prescribe Finasteride?
It's just getting so hard to continue S10 ep8
Do people generally not leave their toaster out on the kitchen counter?
AIO for being upset with my boyfriend?
Is gamestop really that bad of a job?
bigender/genderfluid people, what are your HRT goals?
Does this align with anyone’s experience?
Human babies do not fear snakes
Exponential libido increase after stopping Hrt
Bellibolt is SUPER slept on
Doubts again. Am I a detransitioner?
Togepi and his favourite card
what can i do ???
My poor 3DS is finally showing it's age
Is there something wrong with patches?
I 3D Printed (and Painted) the Lords of Three Houses
I don’t understand
Why does SwSh have such a bad rep compared to SV?
Does anyone know if these are worth anything?
Looking to trade shiny Shelgon for regular Ursaluna, Dont own Legends Arceus :(