Artian rerolling/Save Scumming
Psn-Master Strategist Throphy
Gerard Avoid timeskip-Canal Fortress
Gerald Avoid timeskip
[PSX] W: Rakshasa Set, +0Milady[Wingstance AoW] and Millicent Prosthesis H: Runes +Karma
[PSX] W: Milady[wingstance aow] Millicent Prosthesis H: +karma
[PSX] W: Dane Footwork[Dryleaf Whirlwind], Great Katana[Savage Lion Claw], Milady[Wing Stance], Millicent Prosthesis and Runes H: Karma
[PSX] W: Black Knife Set, Solitude Set, Ronin Set,Millicent Prosthesis, Shard of Alexander, Dragon Greatshiel, Pearl Drake+3, Nagakiba+0 and Runes H: Karma or help in Mule
Cross Platform transfer Ticket
Ps5: Keyboard And Mouse setting please
X-Progression Console to Pc and vice versa
Drop Rates are Shitty
Migrate account from Ps5 to Pc
Ps5 keybinding Bugging out
Ps5 Keybinding issues
Anyone got Burned out by repetative farming and Praying for Rng?
Viessa Hypo Dots VS Valby Laundy Dots
Reactor what a nice design
PS5 Aim Setting
Reactor Farming Bad Design-Petition to Remove Mounting
Scout Rifle Aiming Mode
Ult Viessa Hypo Build
Gley Module Help
Module Bug?
Gley "Massive Sanguification" Maxed End Game Build