What did the federation (Gromflomites) want with Ricks portal gun (S03 Ep. 1) when they already had portal tech (S01 Ep.1)?
Have any Rick and Morty episodes or moments been personally meaningful to you?
Who was the gang Rick referring to as "her" when he said "Killing us won't bring her back." Was it Diane? If so, does it mean they worked for Rick Prime? If not, then who was she?
Jerry had power to do literally anything, even what Rick was building and better, but he decided to... unleash plagues on his wife, ffs. What would you do with this power if you were Jerry for that episode?
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Rick loves Jerry, genuinely. Though Rick is portrayed as one that hates Jerry a lot, he also confirms to love Jerry.
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This Kirkland-brand Meeseeks never got a role, meaning he never exploded. What do you think happened to him?
What is your favourite Rick and Morty cold opening?
What Aliens you love most in Rick & Morty? And, Why?
What do you think Rick could have done with the monkey paw?
I always wonder what Rick and Jerry saw in the cat's mind.
Who are the chillest villains in the show? PS: Krombopulos Michael - Rick and Morty
What is the politest way anyone has ever told you off?
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What is your favourite Rick and Morty rant by any character?
What's the worst idea any character had in the show? Most people would probably diasgree here but honestly a vat of fake acid was a shitty idea.
Did anyone else find this episode very disturbing and depressing?
I think this is the kindest Rick has ever been to anyone in the show.