Marines Benevolent (aka evil version of the Marines Malevolent)
Can I improve my tyrannic war veteran in any way?
Always fun to see fellow pre heresy/heretic marines
How can I be a better Heavy Class.
What's the most dangerous character if they're in the right hands?
Idk if it's just me but I feel like people don't use the portals that much in this game
The urge to have no plot armor
Space marine 2 HUGE performance issues
Not today, Lictor
Incineration Corps in a nutshell
Time to finally play the game
My Grey Knights
Someone say civilians?
This is the perfect Space Wolves champ skin in my head.
Anyone want to name my chapter
SG2 Armor Customization?
Why would someone say that? Are they down bad?
Say your main, I’ll rate
2 Porta Portal Plays while Playing with Portals
Upcoming Armor Leaks
What's one small buff you'd give to a character? I'll start
Gonna try and beat ready or not as some random dude off the street the cops sent in.
Striders now have stratagem jammers attached to them.
Disney owns both the rights nothing is stopping this skin from becoming reality except cowardice