Here’s a thought. Would this fit the overall play through if you go full paragon, full renegade, or neutral ?
This is kinda funny. He should learn from Badeea.
Today is March 20th. Double Thumbs Up All The Way, Baby. Wooooo!!
Guess this is one of the reason Doof never think every platypus is Perry.
“tuO kooL !”
Has anyone ever made the Male Human Warden to be like the trailer Warden ?
I get the feeling that Roy and Connor would get along because of their fondness of a certain animal.
Is it a Turian thing to have an S at the end of their first or last name ?
I kinda wish The Temple of Juatchadoon’s ending was something like The Last Crusade’s sunset ride.
Here’s a story about the transfers of Bjarne Goldbaek and Brian Laudrup between Chelsea and Copenhagen in 1998….
Rank the Mass Effect Human Squadmates from the Best to the Worst.
Complete this premier league grid.
Make the comment section looked like her search history.
Would you rather be a Clone under General Krell or a Battle Droid under General Grievous ?
Where can i read the light novel Thunder Festival and Heresy Mansion ?
Why and how did she get his picture ?
Shepard’s Two Sons and Daughter.
Make the comment section looked like his search history.
Which character do you think is better in the first season of their show ?
Male Shep facial expression in ME 3 always makes me laugh.
What’s you favourite line from Jesse ?
For being an idiot, Kindaichi has quite a harem in his youth.
Well Boil….