The hypocrisy sometimes baffles me
How I think base touma would do in a fight against the level 5s
The Misaka Timeline
Sisters noise and Roar are such good propaganda tools to get people into this series I swear
What do you think the maximum weight Mikoto can lift with her magnetism is?
Fun Fact: This dance takes place 100 days after Mikoto met Touma for the first time
A while ago I did a poll of who were the top 5 most important people for Touma, would you change any of them?
How many copies of your favorite character in the first episode would it take to defeat your favorite character in the last episode?
Day 6. Rating ambiguous characters. How would you rate Hasekura Reiri in terms of her character development, character design, and etc?
Why doesn't Mikoto just spam this attack more?
Is GT better than NT?
Physical strength in toaru
What's the best ship between two members of the Railgang?
Why did I get diamond before I got gold?
Why didn't Mikoto just shock her here? Is she stupid?
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Almost Heaven 6!
How would you rank these different attacks based on their speed?
Looking At the Missing Top 50 Members at Kagaribi #13
@SchuStats: All-Time Smash Ultimate Rankings, Top 500
How do yall feel about the power gap between magic and science side?
Mikoto's powerscaling in different media
Final Toaru Chart Results
Toaru Community Rankings Day 58: Astral Buddy Arc
What effects would you give to this field spell?
One thing that really disappoints me about general fiction is how almost no one accept a few go over how terrifying it would be to fight someone who is leagues stronger than you