Nux "Gender Equality" Taku and Shoe0nHead discuss the Hagmaxxing Phenomena where Gen Z men seek out financially stable women over the age of 30.
Why can’t I play my customized Space Marine in PVP?
Wondering why we can't use these armor sets in pve? You allow us to use pve armor in pvp but not the heretic astartes armor?
Game is still super buggy ..
To all who left the game.
Lore help?
I Hope Saber Interactive Won't Do The Same Mistake As Arrowhead
Do you plan to play this game long terms ?
Campaign question
My fellow Astartes, beware social media. Some clips have been leaked
Is Co-Op PvE available in the form of quick matchmaking with random people?
Current state of the community
Had this pop up in my feed today. Thoughts?
Gameranx just said there isn't matchmaking for coop. True?
I Called It, Super Disappointing There Is No Traitor Legion Customization
Traitor customization and armor parts
How the turn tables.
I never pre-ordered before...
Is the core of this game PVE or PVP?
I really hope they will not let us, the PVE players aside, and add new content for us too in the futur !
Hear me out…
Any word on campaign difficulty options?
What minor chapters will be available on launch?