Fenrir not showing box art
On Fenrir can Game folder all be inside a sub folder to share memory cards?
Initial Unity
When it takes three operating systems to accomplish your goal!
Spotted this beauty in CEX. Might go look again soon to find the older games from the series. :)
PCI network cards crash VM with general protection fail on boot on MacOS build
MacBox: a 86Box manager for MacOS
Why does my sound never work with simhub installed unless I toggle it first???
Fellow unbounded player speaking
ROMS folder missing in Application Support on Mac, as it the 86box folder itself
Sega Saturn + Action Replay 4 in 1+ Fenrir ODE - How to have "more" saves?
How to fix this black box in the corner on Wipout Pure PSP?
Ps Vita touchscreen freezes after console starts charging (via adaptor) or plug in charging cable (via PC) only
Games that you can play with your own music
Simple under extrusion??? Has printed perfectly before though.
Emulating Master System and 3D games / Glasses?
Master System 3D games and 3D glasses?
Master System 3D glasses with emulation?
Can’t download Ridge Racer Type 4, add to library, or even add to cart!
Which Ridge Racer games can you play with a Playstation 5?
Wipeout: Portable Collection
Can’t download Ridge Racer Type 4 on my PS5??
Can’t download Ridge Racer Type 4 on my PS 5?
Can’t download R4 on my PS5?