Is Chester in "The Emptiness Machine"?
Have I been blocked?
Issues finding matches
Random Stuff appeared in Inventory
ZDF Magazin Royale liefert ab; "Gaming-Communitys: Der letzte unpolitische Ort auf Erden" und ballern den üblichen Verdächtigen direkt vor den Bug.
Is it cheating?
Theorien/ Gedanken zu Lars Mittank
I absolutely hate this game
“The death of siege” rant
Solo queuing is impossible
Servers gone down again?
Toxic community
Ubisoft killed their Servers
Have the servers gone down ?
Ubisoft killed their server
Match Replay - Toggle Outlines
JMC Scott Fitzgerald Missing in Action
Operators Playtime
Since no one posts the full vid
Bruh wtf
[EU][PC][SILVER V] Former Gold 2 is tired of Solo-Queue
How I treat spawnpeekers
[EUW][PC][SILVER V] Former Gold 2 is tired of Solo-Queue
Is Steel Wave the worst Season ever in Terms of Cheating?
How long does it take until I get my MMR restored?