German AI tanks?
Is green
Made my first interwar tank
The "Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P"
Most dangerous tank in game?
I was trying to make a pz 2 but as a medium tank, and ended up with this tiger 2P from interwar. Anyways crituques and suggestions are welcome (It still has the same amount of mobility as a tiger 2 even though its 13 tons lol. 1:1)
All it needs is a few improvements and a name. first design though
Finally beat “No Man’s Land” 🔥🔥🔥
Is No Mans Land supposed to much harder than the others?
Tiger H1
Aio for going to my uncles grave with family my mom cut off?
What’s the smallest heavy tank made? (In terms of tonnage)
I just wanted to say thank you for creating an imo truly unique "entertainment experience like none other so far in history"
Ideas for game modes
Muscle Injuries?
Guys crouching over and turtling when they are stunned?
Blocking hooks?
Tall people disadvantage
anyone else throwing punches in their sleep or do i need to lay off the game
Still massive cheating
I was beating the sht out of this kid lmao. ( DEVS ) - maybe a fatigue system or smn because ( if ) i deal ( like 500) damage ( in rapid succesion) to him he shouldnt be able to pop up and 2 shot ko me lmao he should be out or he should be dealing nex to no damage.
Only match I won today😭
What’s the biggest league in the game?
This sub just seems to be flooded with people moaning about an EARLY ACCESS game