Is There Any Hardware Specification Limit for Defender for Servers Licensing?
CID Moosa Fans Assemble
Biriyani for dinner lesssgoooo
How do you deal with people bombarding your inbox with all sorts of weird questions?
Updated my Desktop wallpaper. What's yours, thengas?
Asking for advice to reach a SOC position.
Some തേങ്ങ things😂🥥
5600x + Asus B550M-K
Choosing a switch for my network
Advice on Replacing ISP Router and Mesh with ZenWifi XD5 for Better Speed and Stability
Third Party Risk Assessment Checklist
How relevant are Capture the flags for SOC Analysts? And others trainings in my company
OpenSSL and Vulnerable Components
Soc analyst tier 1 interview
Anyone preparing for keam,cusat, iiser
100 Days
Red vs Blue
Anyone receive a false positive alert for ‘Mirai backdoor detected’?
Looking for Recommendations: US-Based Auditing Firms for SOC 2 Type 1 Certification
Changing the junk email sensitivy just for one mailbox
help setting up local services and public services using tailscale, nginx proxy manager and cloudflare domain
ASR Device Control | Policy updates causing registry conflicts?
Devices not showing up in defender device list
Unlocking this in 10 mins
Using Microsoft 365 E5 for Server VMs: Licensing and Subscription Details