Some photos on set of my Blair Witch fan film (officially titled The Descent of the Blair Witch)
If it wasn't The Shining, what's King story you would've liked to see Kubrick adapt?
The Mist and Doctor Sleep
How did Children of the Corn become a full on film series and not the Dark Tower?
How is everyone feeling about Heart Eyes?
Michael holds the knife he picks up as a kid at a 90 degree angle
What was the first film you watched going into 2025?
SiIva (SiIvaGunner)
What should I be doing?
What is the vocal effect used in the FNAF 1 song?
lil thing
[TOMT][VIDEO][2000s] Justin Bieber's "U Smile" slowed down with creepy visuals
[Fully Lost] Justin Bieber's "U Smile" slowed down with creepy visuals
Justin Bieber's "U Smile" slowed down with creepy visuals
LoadCharacter() not working
MVM-inspired game. Need programmers!
[TOMT][MUSIC][2000s] TF2 Song that goes Ahhhh ahhh ahhh!!
Avira's Endpoint Service taking up high CPU
House Builder
Looking for an artist and a musician for a game about a giant pixelated square named Fred.
I need a composer and an artist to work on a game about a giant red pixel.
FNaF 4 Box Theory
Inspired by u/Dre4mWo0d i decided to add two others that I think are underrated