21 M, I am unable to ejaculate without jacking off with my hand and my girlfriend hates it. What can I do?
Will Rat Bia 🐀 allow Yeat to drop songs with lyrics like this again? 🤔
Sextape Συντρόφου σας
Εχει κανεις εμπειρία με SPSS? Χρειαζομαι βοηθεια με βασικη υλη.
Βρήκα μια σταχταρα
This guy surprises his blind girlfriend with a braille marriage proposal
Δεν μπορώ να βρώ δουλειά. (Rant)
Ditching the big 3 for something more optimal.
Ditching the big three for something more optimal.
Should I start taking caffeine pills ?
Να "τον παίξω" πριν την πρώτη μου φορά ?
I can’t answer simple questions
Radboud University computing science