Gyms with Childcare
Peach tree questions
Entering into my first tournament in 50 days, how should I prepare?
A veteran and his new lesbian friend save his high school sweetheart from a leather clad gang that loves to ride.
Missionaries go up to the wrong door leading to uncomfortable situations.
Desperate times, desperate measures
KC water issued a notice that I have to replace my water meter vault - asking for advice from Waldo homeowner
I have an IQ of over 140, but in reality it does not mean anything. AMA
Best move for black
Discord for local chess!
Best portrayals of the devil?
Solo experience?
Butcher with Hanger Steak
Goth Coffee Swap & Shop Vendor event.
Any tattoo studios taking walk-ins currently?
Local Mexican markets with fresh pork rinds?
I’m a blue collar, pick-up truck driving, white male from rural farmland. AMA.
Hot Pepper Contest Winning Numbers.
My life has taken one of the most dramatic nose dives i have ever heard of in my life AMA
I’m convinced that there either are lot of “fake beginner” players on, that many cheat, or possibly both
What did I do wrong?
'Alaskan Bush People' Fans Question Family's 'Weird Accents'
I love chess, but I hate analyzing my games. So I built this.
I need some opening against 1.d4