Who would win this one?
Any recommendations?
How screwed are you?
Who is worth coins?
would he be better than teq goku and vegeta in this team ?
Whats everyones first rainbow LR? (F2P excluded obv)
Look at me. I’m the Maylene now.
yall cooked or nah
We need to start a #ThanksOmatsu chain under dokkan tweets
Which upgrade path would you guys choose?
they forgot about this
The most busted rotation of all time 🤯
maschi, è vero questo?
Bonus picks are hilariously bad
Im DarCrying….
Enough time has passed
So this dummy is scared of bugs?
Trades are VERY expensive 😅
How many Pack Hourglasses do you have? I have 5
is lapras EX, the most forgotten ex card?
How are y’all feeling about this LR??
What eza have you grinded to the highest level? (Not including All Stars) I begin. I’m right now at this level with the team on the second picture.
5 year long awaited rematch
Fun fact: Almost nobody here knows how the Domain of Zamasu and Gohan Work, and they have 0 idea of how busted it is, easily top 2 or even 1 of broken mechanics in the game.