XRT ETF Abuse! Over 2x XRT Shares Outstanding!
RoaringKitty is the only one.
Something weird going on with Reddit and this sub
Navigating into Superstonk right now
Mentally prepare yourself for tomorrow
Huge imbalance in the buy side showing on the level 3 order book
You all need to chill tf out
The stock is literally green. Not sure where all these reassuring posts are coming from.
Holy hell. DFV has 5 million SHARES of GME.
First whale 🐳 to slap a 30.00C for 14th June (435k in premium)
True FOMO Is Upon Us
The ONLY possible explanation that explains EVERY ANOMALY regarding last week | Price gaps, share dilution announcement, high trading volume, share dilution completion, price stability, call options
👀 A big name ape 🦍 is joining in.
alright boys, you know what to do
Found 3.5M Uncounted DRS Shares (Approx. 78.8M Shares Directly Registered)
Tilray is Cheap and the market is not pricing in a DEA Rescheduling
We were at $27.65 when we WEREN'T profitable. Let that sink in.
The Golden Treasure [100% Proof Apes Get Paid]
Let's Talk About Ryan Cohen's Corporate Email
First day of handing out flyers, or actually fact sheets now. Anyways I’ll let you know how it goes. 🦍💪🏻
I saw “Dumb Money” early, here is what I have to say.
Run it back?
Institutional Inflows and Outflows of Last 12 Months compared to other Companies
Despair, Fud, and The Latest Attempt