BDC or PDM Althair?
Mont Blanc Legend Upgrade?
Dior Firenheit
Any recommendations based off these colognes? Just started collecting last month. 25M
Just arrived and wow
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What’s your SOTD?
Need a cologne for upcoming date
What are your current top 5?
Friend’s Granda’s Collection
Birthday Cologne Recommendations
In Portland for 2.5 days. Any suggestions?
In Portland For 2.5 Days!
I want a new Hybrid Tuscon but hate the recent design's plasticy gray panel. I plan on a white exterior where it's less noticeable, but it still cheapens the overall appearance to me. Less luxurious. What can I do?
Update on is it Totaled?
Chrome Delete 2022 Sonata Limited
How long will my 2017 Hyundai Elantra last I have 70k on it and only drive about 10k a year had this car for 3 years so far
If you’ve bought a new Hyundai in the last year, what are your monthly payments?
Bs Fee?
When should I contact the dealer?
Score prediction?
[Joe Person] When they kick off today, the Bears will have five players on the field they acquired as part of a blockbuster deal with CAR. And the guy the Panthers traded up for will be on the sideline.