Mindsharing the "Woahment"
MARCH TOWARDS FANTASY: The Metaphor Refantazio Spoilercast | Castle Super Beast 312 Clip
Lil Woolz In The Lab plushie campaign!
Just Played And Beat Slay The Princess For The First Time After Hearing About It From This Sub And Seeing That Woolie Did A Playthrough And...
SCANDAL! CSB clip that shows Woolie using the word Doohickey!
Confession: I used to watch the old guys LPs then pretend I actually played those games when I talked to people
What Are Woolie’s 5 Favorite Fighting Games? | Peer Review
Straight to the point: Did you know that Ryu Hayabusa(Ninja Gaiden man) has always been the main character of the Dead or Alive franchise?
Backseating in the cyberpunk playthrough/Woolie's need to optimize the amount of 'content' viewed per LP
"Aldnoah.Zero (Re+)" Official Trailer
This feels like it came from this sub
Oh this is gonna drive me crazy
Amir Satvat has received numerous hatemail after high honors at The Game Awards for helping laid-off devs
Woolie's Game Awards VOD
Lead and Steel | Cyberpunk 2077 (6)
Today is Asuka Langley Soryu's 23rd birthday. Here's to a real one
I made a web app that randomly displays an episode title from SBFC/CSB. Since so many classics get posted, but lots of lesser-known ones get left in the cracks.
Fromsoft Has Perfected The Annoying Respawning Boss | Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (42)
Woolie's mic peaking hurts me so
Rift of the NecroDancer Demo Trailer
Gossiping Neighborhood Granny Deserve Their Comeuppance | Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (6)
What did you major in? Asuka R♯ Engineering.
Asuka R♯ flowchart [oc]
How long until Woolie decides to buy a Steam Deck?
Do the Dino Crisis dinosaurs actually respawn when you reload your saves?
Out Now! CSB 283: Babylon's Razor