It’s Abundantly Clear The ‘Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ Controversies Are Nothing
“Attack On Japanese Culture”
Unequal Equality Woke Company
Isn't that suicide ?
It's the end, the big bad has won. The world is now a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and the heroes work desperately to reverse what has happened.
We now have an official Sonic Characters Relationship Chart thanks to Sonic Channel.
Sega posted a Sonic relationship Chart grouping the characters
Assassin's Creed Shadows day one patch detailed, includes destructible shrine changes after concern over copycats
He did the thing!
*Pretend to be shock*
Another "politician" is bringing up Shadows to the japanese government
Found This Gem of a Chud, Quite A “True Gamer” he is.
"Lesbians are making me GAYYYY😡"
Grifters not taking a developers word out of context challenge impossible
Ok c'mon guys, who of you was this? Don't troll Gamers like that...
Why do some people deny that Sonic X was aimed at children even though it aired in a Sunday morning timeslot in Japan?
2nd most pre-orders in the Japanese PS store
Hanamaruobake Tattoo (now healed)
Goku tried going ssj4 vs Broly lol
Delusional Gudetama Moment
are cappucino and espresso... you know... ?
Trigger warnings are woke now
The angry investor in question
Machiavelli speaking the truth about g*mers #AntiGamer #FuckGamers
I wonder what these 2 stunning and fine gentleman have to say about women being ugly