Just Showing Off
There's been a burning question on my mind. Why do plecos, especially bristlenose plecos love zucchini so much?
I want to work on a planted tank with hillstream and kuhli loach but have many conflicting anwsers on compatibility.
Triple decker pileup
should i be concerned?
Hillstream Loach appreciation
Mid yawn photos are fantastic!
Who is this in Louisville?
Who is this in Sacramento?
I need help with spells
Good house for kuhli loaches?
How do y'all arrange rooms for peak tank viewing/enjoyment?
My BN will only eat cucumber, should I be concerned?
Name Suggestions
Banana Bed
My new favorite shrimp video
Mythical sighting of all 5 of my kuhlis
can hillstream and kuhli loaches go in a tank together?
Happy SNEWT Year!
What can I add to this aquarium to make it look better? Any plant suggestions?
Is this considered fat?
Had to rescape out of necessity, which one do you like better? 1st or 2nd ?
My first baby rabbit! I'm in love with his shell.
30 ish days in.