Brieftasche gefunden
My first doc martens.
Welche Haltestelle hat die längste Durchsage?
Sind WLB und WL eine Firma? Wahlkompass zur #WienWahl - was kommt bei euch raus?
Bass pickup placement comparison
Happy NBD to me! For $219 delivered, it was impossible to pass up. Jacksonbacher CBXNT DX IV.
1 or 2 ?
Used but mint condition.
NBD: Shaftesbury Ripper Copy
Fender Player II showed up with a weird spot on the fretboard. Opinions?
4 string or 5 string bass? Why?
Multiscale Aesthetics
What’s the best squier bass in your opinion, and why?
What 5-String Slap Bass Should I Get?
Does this tag mean it’s fake? I don’t thin on I’ve seen docs with this color tag
Ampeg SGT DI, Two Notes revolt bass, Nano Cortex or tonex One?
Bass Wear - what is causing this?
Looking for a nice budget 5string bass and torn between these 2
Looking for string recommendations
How do I fix scooped mid frequencies with Epiphone EB-3?
Made my first tank with an Oscillating Turret! Need some name ideas (Its French). Its also armed with a 100mm gun and is 50 tons
what should i name it
Not a NBD, just wanted to show off my favorite bass.