What’s your fav release this year? I’ll go first
How to prevent clenching/grinding and teeth shifting when I need to temporarily stop wearing my appliance
What should I bring?
Tell me your favorite kpop song
If kpop song names were literal, what would be the best/worst song to see live?
Recommendations for sunglasses for driving day/night?
Recommendations for sunglasses while driving
Jiwoong vs a non-generation generation gap
what are some of the most insane facecards in kpop?
How good are the foreign members’ Korean?
VCU arts Transfer
Who do you think is the most beautiful/handsome?
what is the dumbest thing you guys thought about kpop as a baby stan?
Supplies for comm arts sophomore
What sound gives you the worst anxiety?
What is the best K-pop song for a non K-pop listener starting with B?
What group do you really recommend that is extremely underrated?
Best dorm for VCUarts freshman?
Toured this weekend.
Best freshman dorms?! (Preferably 4 person suites)
What is the best dorm hall or residential that I can get as a freshman - future student of vcu
I took advil and diclofenac not knowing they have interactions
Do these look like natural creases or the start to wrinkles? I’m thinking of getting eye cream but not sure which