what do you think the problem of the Exaltist in the story plot compared with fatui orStellaron Hunters?
girlfriends met their anti #29:how would meru interact with her anti self?
100GF Daily Duo Day 35: 4 & 22
Chapter 209 Raw.
girlfriends met their anti #28:how would usami interact with her anti self?
which fraction goes like this?
Poor Mamazuka, she cant have peace even in her own home💀
since it only got day before nano arc, I hope nano's decision goes like this movie.
chubbiest student?
Innocent party game (@DorahDew)
if playable proxy gets an omnitrix, how would the story change?
manga question:would there be only 2 nanos currently remaining in entire multiverse?
what is the difference of this student's canon vs fanon? #31 airi
will there be a enemy attack that breaks guard?
How much 'interest' does girls have to proxy
most 'mary sue' character?(both playable and NPC)
most 'Mary Sue' character? (both playable and NPC)
most 'Mary Sue' GF?
you think.... witches doesn't came out in story because they too fears of what she has created?
I smashed or passed every ethereal ever (before 1.6)