what does this post mean? (tiktok about rudolph virchow)
Can anyone fill in the gaps?
02/26/25 Threat Update
How many contacts do yall have?
YouTube is putting more ads in the middle of your videos, says it’s to “help YouTubers”
welcome! 🤠
How do we feel about these 2?
The mental gymnastics...
is dixie damelio okay?
this YouTube comment has me CRYING
Fluffy syrup smothered carbs?? Really?
living.with.laney & perpetrating diet-culture
there’s no way
How does it feel to know that America is gonna have the worst, hopefully only 4, years it's had in a long time?
Track Video Game
Saw that the creator liked a comment on this post tagging Colleen and I had to post here 😭
Picture speaks for itself. If only there were more people like this.
Taylor Swift Lawsuit Screenshots
Swifties and Blake Lively
You guys, I'm speechless.
Yogurt on a plate.
Is it ozempic or has his shitty personality finally started to affect his looks?