Man, I really wanna call you...
So, is this the final discard?
Never stick your dick in crazy
Trying to hurt me with goodbye?
WORST responses to I love you
When a man loves a woman…
When a man loves a woman
Grief exists, where there was love.
Whats his name?
Guys how do I upgrade past this
I can’t do this anymore
AIO about my girlfriends friend?
thought everyone deserved to see my little boy nemo
Sneaky sleep picture.. but he woke up 🥹
Would you buy the Bigfoot skin or save the V-Bucks for the sets to be release on March, 12th?
I went through my girlfriend’s phone
Feels like I dodged a bullet here
Quickest self-report I’ve had
AIO because I helped a woman in distress as a woman?
Your intuition will always be faithful.
Aio for telling my oldest sister the jacket is mine and I can alter it as I wish?
Am i overreacting??
XP Differences depending on console
All girls are AI except me
Is my mimi cute or no?