Is this a dyno? There’s no moment where all 4 points of contact are off the wall. Would a shorter person have to dyno it? What would be the intended beta for someone who isn’t 6’2?
Bouldering is growing here in the Philippines!
I climb in the cuntryside of Brazil, so I have a hard time comparing our grading system with the mainstream. How would you grade this boulder?
How to do continuous dynos?
I want to try out the Dragos but there is no store near me that I know of that sells them for me to try them on and find my size. what do?
Gorilla Warfare 7a
My spotters > Yours (wait till the end)
Need help with dynamic movement
Youth climb of the week?
Who is inside the Flying machine?
Jay Leno spotted driving a tank in SFV
I heel hook everything
My buddy made me a lifting platform
Race against the sun to send Cosmic Friction (6C) in Hampi
Any tips on how to make the big sloper section easier???
Tangina dapat binangga na eh.
Anyone need a photographer
how low can you go?
FA Offer to the Church + Guess the Grade
Bouldering SLO CA
Low volume shoe recs?
3D Printed Holds!
Look at the moon
What the hell is this
This is my essential oil diffuser I just knocked over. What is this white gritty substance?