Missing In New Hampshire: 23 year old Amanda Grazewski vanished in 2020, many questions surrounding her case

As COVID began to rear it's ugly head in 2020 a young lady vanished. 4 years later Amanda's family are still searching for her and hope the answers to her whereabouts do not go unanswered.

Amanda Grazewski had by most all accounts lived a chaotic life. In 2020 Amanda was a single mother to one child and was battling addiction. She was also struggling through homelessness at that time. By 2020 she was 23 years old and did have a police record. She had a history of substance abuse. I didn't really see a mention of what her choice of poison was, it was just always described as substance abuse.

St. Patrick's Day, March 17th 2020 would be the last day anyone reportedly saw Amanda in Derry, New Hampshire. Amanda had been living in a hotel in Nashua, New Hampshire but her money had ran out and she had to leave. A friend reportedly drove her to her brother's apartment in Derry to spend the night. It was reported to have already been three to four people at the apartment partying at the time she was dropped off. When the sun came up Amanda was gone.

Amanda Grazewski had been known to frequent the Nashua, Salem, Manchester and Hooksett areas. When she vanished she reportedly left behind her purse, some clothes and her cell phone. Derry police Captain Vernon Thomas stated in a 2024 article that this case was far from closed.

According to Captain Thomas they have many questions about nearly every aspect of Amanda's disappearance. Most prominently starting with what the people inside the apartment that she disappeared from told police. Captain Thomas stated they aren't really certain what took place or the validity of the stories given. Law enforcement in Derry, as well as her family has not given up finding answers.

During the investigation when her cell phone was checked there were texts to an unknown individual about wanting to move to Salem, New Hampshire. Investigators tried to trace this number and ID the person but it was a burner phone. Nine days after her disappearance her social security card was found lying on the ground outside Elliot Hospital in Manchester, New Hampshire.

At the time of Amanda's disappearance she did not have access to a car. Family and loved ones describe it as out of character for her to be out of touch with her family for this long. Amanda had never gone more than a week without reaching out. Foul Play is suspected in this case.

Amanda's mother had tried to get her into rehab several times but Amanda refused to stay and complete the programs. Her mother currently has custody of Amanda's daughter. She remains missing and her case remains unsolved.

Derry Police Department is investigating at 603-432-6111

I want to apologize for the delay in getting my state series up as frequently. I should be back on track now. I am closing out the New Hampshire series for now with this case. I'll see you in the next state.

I hope Amanda's familys get answers so her daughter doesn't have to keep growing up not knowing where her mother is. I hope this family gets closure, or justice.


