I let someone borrow my pen and this is what happened.
There is a school lockdown and the entire school has to fight off the intruders, it is all out war, and no police will come. What does each subject department do to fight them off?
How many people are in your class?
Who are intj's favourite music artists?
Genuinely curious, as an INTJ what’s your zodiac sign?
I am absolutely fuming 😡
What’s your go to language sentence
Imagine the subjects you had today are the subjects you have to take for A Levels
What’s the most important thing you always bring to school
What is an easy thing you just cannot manage to learn
How many positives and negatives do u have?
Do y’all have sets?
Say the country that you live, without saying it
How many GCSEs are you doing?
does anyone else just feel like they’re wasting their life away?
What is your grade average?
What GCSE has broken you the most?
Have your mocks/real exam ever been interrupted by any kind of animal?
What's everyone's favorite riff?
Do you hear/see people cry in exams?
"What's your MBTI type, and are you an only child? If not, where do you fall in the birth order?"
What is your MBTI and your favorite genre of music / your favorite music artist.
Covers that are just people staring at the camera
Songs with a month in the title
What if I told you