Barred Rock Update: 8 weeks old, need a band name
25 day old barred rocks
Rogue chicken!!
Neighbors dogs have killed 70+ of my hens, and roos, what can I do?
I thought I would be sure by now, but everyone has a different opinion.
Need help to identify this Moth?
Little girl not going into coop at night
I took the babies on a trip.
Alright, I’m having doubts about my Plymouth barred rocks.
Feeling like grandpa's home
Lost my last Isa Brown today. Just hoping she’s flying high now
Barred Rock chick, 2 weeks old
You Won’t BELIEVE How Undercooked My KFC Was!!
I didn’t mean to make the cage a giant burger container but here are my new barred rocks!!
The ladies had their first day outside today
Disappeared. Was gone for a week. Then we found her with 27 eggs. I'm not ready.
Finding platforms to advertise gambling or crypto platforms?
He jumped out of the bag and rode on my arm in the car
Both 4 weeks old, different sizes, slightly different breeds maybe?
This is Galadriel, Adar and Enceladus. BIRD UP!!
Please vote for intelligent people.
Casual Questions Thread
Took some pictures with our chicken Sally & our duck Quackers. They were not happy!
I may be agnostic, but I hope with all my heart there is a heaven for chickens.
Hoovers Hatchery is a damn joke.