Who would you move out?
Who is your favorite lazy villager?
finally achieved my lifelong dream of making a gay little house for these two
where does the dragon born go when he dies?
What’s the Most Underrated Detail in RDR2 That Blew Your Mind?
Can I still buy Hjerim or am I cooked?
Arthur's Balck Lung
shamrock day?
How/where do I find cougars??
ACNH players of Reddit, what villagers would you say I should put on my part forest themed, part autumn themed, part cottage-core island? (Art of Molly created by HanifAnims)
What's your opinion on backpacks?
Is it weird to ask a tattoo artist what they prefer?
If there was a new ac game what would you like to see in it?
I don't use deadeye
How Old Do You Think Charles Is?
Purple is the only dye color to not have a plant to craft/smelt in order to get it, you have to combine red and blue.
Is this possible?
I'm terrified of tarantulas
Some of my favorite spots on my island.
What do you think guys?
The tree stumps can have hearts and x’s, can this game get anymore cuter?
What's this place?