[TOMT] [2000s] scary video with "shiny happy people" by R.E.M on the background
is it over for south america or should we keep hoping for an announcement?
New Album in the works
Feel bad for north
Problemas con envíos internacionales y correo argentino?
Im Desperate
I'm self cured. I'll be answering any of your questions
What would you say is your favorite Aphex Twin track?
What was the most unrealistic part about skins?
Does anyone find TikTok helpful for their OCD?
i just listened to SFTB for the first time and my first swans album, and i loved it
I have pulling an uno reverse on OCD
[talk] Biggest pieces of news broadcasted lost media?
Looking for pieces with deep bells
prevention/what if ocd theme?
does anyone feel angry all the time ?
[TOMT] Song / Artist / Album
[fully lost] scary video with "shiny happy people" by R.E.M on the background
[TOMT] [SONG] Mexican Reggaeton (Obscure Artist)
[TOMT] TikTok creator in Korea who isn’t Korean but loves flipping and laughing
Newbie Ahri tip and tricks
Tips for going back to college
[Partially Lost] Missing Japanese Suicide PSA
What is the most outlandish thing you’re OCD tricked you’re brain into believing?
trying to get to know new ambient artists, what are your favorite underground/not so well known ones?