Vimu player not playing Dolby Vision
Go Pod settings don't persist after disconnect
How accurate tier list by youtuber are? Is it worth to go over FT1?
[WTB] [CND-TN] [H] PayPal [W] Braindance DK3001BD DUNU
DAP vs Iphone+Fio BTR 17
Focal Elegia headphones
Para Moondrop
Focal Sound: My Ears Like It But Don't Want It
[WTS][USA-WA] [H] HiSenior Mega5est Bass+, Thieaudio Monarch MKIII, Softears Volume S, SMSL C200, SMSL SA-36A Pro, XDUOO MT-602 Tube Amp [W] Paypal
JDS Labs has impressed me beyond my expectations!
What's the most challenging and difficult sector/clients to work with?
Reviewers should mention codecs used when reviewing wireless
Arya Stealth Portable EQ options?
Are wireless earphones actually a downgrade from wired ones?
Can we do a DAC poll next?
How do you even justify paying top dollar for IEMs?
Me (35F) and my husband (37M), he forgot the passenger car seat leaned back. Is this enough proof of cheating?
Guess I have big ears
S9FE+ Netflix won't stream 4k
Mest MK2 owners, any of you have a side piece you maybe enjoy more or the same?
It's working!
Focal Azurys thoughts (as a Listen user)
Harman Target Headphones
Lensys Professional - New closed-back release from Focal
Embarassing stomach noises and gurgling sounds *SOLVED*