What’s Hole’s heaviest song?
I never understood why Sugar Kane was never as big a hit as Teenage Riot or Kool Thing, it has a catchy verse and chorus, a killer solo, and an insane bridge. Maybe people slept on it when it came out, either way, total banger
cutter to yo dih name 3 songs except Fall Dont Wait For It, 1989 or Affliction
album recommendations thematically like live through this?
any gauge estimates?
song recommendations pls!!!!!
14 year old
reverence wins blue! what haunted mound song is purple?
[TOMT]who knows, or has any ideas of this song? been searching for weeks
What are you guys doing if you have headache ?:(
which one is ours ?
literally what??
will I get expelled??!?
old courtney sketch ! + me as the prom queen
Favorite albums outside the mound?
Kirt and Courtney duet?
is there any dark red lipstick with no orange??
what song do you have on repeat rn?
Is there any good Hole related content on YouTube?
Albums/Artists Aggressive/Heavy Like Pretty On The Inside
Heaviest Hole Song?
question: how do I stop pacing?
i wonder if i should buy a feat from phreshboyswag? 🤔
What are your favorite live performances that are available to watch on YouTube?