How do you keep players engaged mechanically when their character goes down during combat?
My first game with kids
Camo cloak effect, yay or nay
is it normal to almost drag the "highlight" to minimum on my photos on lightroom ? does this mean i'm doing something wrong when i take photos ? or everybody does this on 80% of their photo ?
Melty river
Есть ли у вас друзья с которыми вы знакомы больше 15 лет?
Я олигофренопедагог, учу детей с аутизмом. Задавайте вопросы
Your practical advises on GM-ing for KIDS (~9 y.o.)?
Есть здесь люди, зарабатывающие 400+к в месяц?
Где искать женщин? Они вообще существуют?
How many sets of dice do you have?
Had my first TPK
New player and fellow DM insulted my setup
Advise fow new DM (game for 8 yo)
Stuff from an Ancient Egyptian one-shot I made years ago where players are a stable of 20 PCs: 14 fighters, 4 dwarves (odd yet historically accurate), 1 cleric, and 1 normal man
Got 4 primals last night in one drop!
Вопрос, который мучает 60% подростков
Trying again! How normal were my first (bad) experiences? What can I do differently to have a better time in the future?
What to do better
Dankhold Trogg
Looking for an open world game with bad or nonexistant combat
Всем доброго времени суток!Мне 16 лет,учусь в 10 классе.Подскажите как быть?
How do I stop murder hobo players?
The guy I’m dating gave me permission to post this