The last time a polish player had a PP record was 7 years ago, and was almost 1000pp less.
MALISZEWSKI | Release Hallucination - ASTERIA [Futility] +HD (FrenZ, 8.01*) 99.88% FC #1 | 934pp
MALISZEWSKI | Ludicin - Echoes of Memoria [Eternal Reflections of Memory] (Shinjuko, 7.96*) 99.25% 3143/3767x 3xMiss #1 | 621pp (732pp if FC)
MALISZEWSKI | Ensiferum - March of War / Axe of Judgement [Ruthless Execution] (ItsWinter, 8.61*) 99.06% FC #2 | 913pp
Can't perform unless using vv_idke_trail
Where do you get beatmaps from?
what skin use ninerik in this video ?
I want to make CTB more popular. Is it possible?
Aye is now Bonk's only 1k!!!
is varvalian washed
I am currently the highest ranked 6 digit in the world, AMA
Let's talk about Ciru...
I just randomly found out that BTMC used my edit (BroccoliTMC) in the background of his vid lol, can an active viewer of his tell me how he found that pic and when he started using it?
yeahbennou | Tim Follin - Title Screen [The Game of Video Quick Draw] +HDNCTD (Mekadon, 9.38*) 91.79% FC | 977pp | (done on lazer) | TD PP RECORD AGAIN
can someone PLEASE explain to me how the fuck i died? (jump to the end of the replay)
milosz | fhana - little secret magic [symphony] +HDDT (Wen, 9.87*) 98.64% 595/1473x 2xMiss | 1175pp (1377pp if FC) | chill acc
milosz | Poppin'Party - KIZUNA MUSIC [Music of Bonds!] +HDDT (Actiol, 9.58*) 99.30% 1854/1900x 1xMiss #2 | 1275pp (1392pp if FC) | tragic end miss
milosz | Hatsune Miku - Mythologia's End [Myth0108ia] +HDDT (val0108, 9.41*) 98.88% 2116/2368x S-Rank | 1076pp (1174pp if FC) | POMPA
milosz | Foreground Eclipse - To The Terminus [Extreme] +HDDT (Raijodo, 9.94*) 99.53% FC #1 | 1590pp | 1ST DT FC, HIS 1ST 1.5K PP!
Is there something i can do abt this?
Rafis | Hitori Tori - perthed again (yambabom remix) [ktgster's Extra] +HDDT (Asphyxia, 8.81*) 99.08% 1147/1243x 1xMiss | 923pp (1001pp if FC) | Lazer
NINERIK | xi - Aragami (Short Ver.) [Transcend] +HDNC (Fushia, 10.41*) 97.85% 919/949x 1xMiss | 1341pp (1478pp if FC)
milosz | Twilight Force - Valley of the Vale [Nymphuwua's Expert Collab] +DT (nebuwua, 10.02*) 97.98% FC | 1434pp
mrekk | Halozy - Genryuu Kaiko [Higan Torrent] +DT (Hollow Wings, 10.97*) 95.68% 441/2667x 34xMiss | 642pp (1861pp if FC) | (done on lazer) | FIRST DT PASS
Can the GMT do something about BTMC?