Should I restart my island?
Remembering my dad
Comment a 0.5 of your beardie! (I’ll start
The distortion is real in this one
how much actual weight have you guys gained on a binge?
What do you like to do on ketamine?
Suicide Loss
what were you scared of as a kid?
I’ve tried so many medications, I don’t know what to do to feel better
This is Sweet Pea what’s your dragon’s name
How do you get through work?
I am so fucking depressed for absolutely no reason
Anyone with bladder problems?
Stuck in a plateau
How much savings do you have?
Any hope for living without medication?
Work makes me miserable
My hair strands are all different lengths what do I do
how do yall have jobs/are in college/have a functioning life??
What meds are you on and do they help at all?
What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and the year is 2005?
pick a random number between 1- 2,234 for a song from my old dubstep playlist
Are you straight?
What was your first?
What’s a song that makes you feel cool as hell?