Deep acne scars struggle - Will micro-needling help?
Operations management
Is it possible to do all the classes not highlighted in pink in 25 days?
Public Speaking on Sophia
New Sophia Course: Operations Management
Acne Scars update! 2nd 40% TCA peel at home
Who does Taylor liberator subcision in the USA?
The Moment I Knew Reality Wasn't Real
Tret 6 mo. Progression, Derm. Appt Tmrw
Day 7 after deep fractional co2 laser
Does every working parent’s stress trend look like this?
Hey: how much makeup did you guys wear in the middle school? Specifically 8th grade???
Post subcision hematoma?
A lil haul
Day 2 post laser CO2 - love that you can clearly see the little holes
My Co2 Fractional Laser Healing Journey (Week 1)
What’s some makeup in 2025 you’ll be purchasing again?
Before & After subcision, erbium fractional laser, and tca peel
Before/After and Day by Day Healing
Face Sagging After Subcision
Jack and Annie returning to The Magic Tree House 💚💛
How to transform my frizzy dull hair to look like this? (Pics in post)
What did you name your ChatGPT?
Are my scars severe and deep?
Rolling scars - What should I try next?