Would an ENTP x ENTP relationship work?
I’ve just left Islam
Update of what happened
I need help
alcohol in islam and algeria
Duaa is what makes success
Religion may be important but this is even more important
How many exmuslims are in north africa?
Astaghfirullah! Her eyes are so tempting
Very Religious friend turned into Pschopath bcz of religion...
Why does Algeria reddit have am issue with discussing athiesm on this page
Wanting to post anti-Islamic content: Safety concerns?
Our beloved prophet Mihoub Bouchama is going to appear on Algerian tv soon, after decades of fighting. we should be proud
Do you think Islam will decline in Algeria?
update on atheist outreach in algeria: maria moori (allegedly) got invited by algerian TV for an interview
What even is this why do muslims have to ask everything about the most weirdest things and act all serious
What do y’all think?
What do muslims see in andrew tate?
It's sad how killing is so normalized according to islamists
Is the West (Europe and France specifically) still naive?
Found these on a university bus, not only it's considered vandalism, but it shows how frustrated one must be to write such things on bus seats
Sherif Gaber needs our help
This community is a joke 🤣