What Linkin Park song sounds like this?
What Olivia song sounds like this?
their best song and its not even close
Anyone else’s favorite flavor being discontinued?
PTV's PTVest song
songs with a question as the title
what song is this?
The First Word Is “i”
Songs that change languages randomly
Salad/Bowl but no lettuce or grains?
What are y'all naming your kids?
wy does vic think that there is no need for the sun in his songs?
Comment "Thom Yorke" on this post, wait for u/thom_yorke_bot to reply and then edit your comment to make him look like the worst person in the world
I WAAAAANT YOOOOOU TO KNOOOOOW (I got a new vinyl record)
What Linkin Park song is this?
Daily Song Discussion #75: Idioteque
How good is the monster selection at my local gas station? (Iowa, USA)
Best album made by a woman - day 5
25% off math - did I sleep through high school math?
Best album by a woman - day 3
Yall remember beets?
Anyone seen this?
Songs never played live
Very surprised to see myself in the 0.5% of listeners, where did everyone else rank?
Ask me a question about linkin park then edit your comment to make me look like a bad person