Are there any ways to survive and get better after being constantly tortured and manipulated by a borderline girl and while still keeping contact?
I just broke up with her
My bf told me I don't need any friends. What can I do?Is he right?
Ways to handle a narcissist?
Psychological tricks so powerful that should be illegal?
How do you manage the anxiety and fix sleep cycle?
ADHD we know about. What about OCD?
Why they ignore you and push you away! Learn from what they say!
How to break ego of this kind of people?
If you dump them and reach out, it will never be the same?
she dumped me, then sent me this really nasty text. NEED THOUGHTS PLS!!!
What causes them absolute devastating pain?
How can we save ourselves from them?
How are you fixing your attention deficit?
Do they born with psychological manipulation tactics or they learn?
Don't let the good moments with them cloud your judgment. Remember who they REALLY are.
How to deal with extremely jealous and insecure People?
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She's already starting to talk with guys and sending pictures of herself
People saying you're looking/acting differently since getting together with PwBPD.
Feeling bendy
Do you think people with secure attachment styles don’t suffer from BPD partners?
How to become healthy again after being emotionally tortured by a BPD girl?
Why is it difficult to treat people with BPD?
Could it be contagious?