I’m planning to order something online from Dubai Duty free
Real or Fake? Buying them used
Buying used AirPods Max, real or fake?
Real or fake? Buying used AirPods Max
What is the general income of the top 1%?
Integrated Camera isn’t working(Is not being detected)
Undergraduate Project
Undergraduate project
Number of Lottery winners
Do I have hairloss? And where on the Norwood scale is my hair?
Brad Pitt
Coming to İstanbul so I can learn some turkish
A more basic IRL style, or normal rating guide
My hair in the frontal area seems to be normal while the hair in the center of my head seems to be in clumps, does anyone have any explanation? Could it be hair loss?
January '22 selfies: post hairline photos here for opinions on 'Am I balding?' 'How bad is it?' and 'What should I do?'
Hair on scalp
2 weeks after clean shaven. Am I going bald and where on Norwood scale is this?
What has the world come to.....what in the actual clownery is this?
[serious] What was your first traumatic experience?
I got Persona 5 Royal
Ps plus collection sharing
Interested in precious metals
Best saddle in online?
Anyone know when we will get the 10 gold bars rebate?