may be bulletproof, but is it rocket proof?
Got laid off yesterday, but I’m glad my portal is here to cheer me up.
I bought this today because of this sub. I truly thought I’d be returning it..
Am I missing anything???
Echelon smg
A friend said I should post a picture of my setup online
Can't play gta online with T-Mobile hot spot I had to YT a video how to manually get into the hot spot with the IP address but now I can play every game but gta
New Toy 😍💪🥳 love it
Rate my kite
Looking for PS5 Agents.
Here we go...
Got mine a day early??
God’s greatest gift to mankind
just found out about hell itself on accident
Finally joined the club
PS portal connect issues I’m using mobile hotspot but I’m not hardwired at the house 😕
Year One pass help
Anyone else take advantage of the 5xp event?
Haven’t played in years. Stash is full
How can I find people for the dark hours raid?
What should I do?
Shield Splinterer with group?..
Best ‘Fun’ Builds/Gear Sets
Join a Clan and Succeed. PS5
One of the worst gaming communities out there [DEAD GAME].