Does anyone else feel they're getting more attractive as they near their 30s?
What was the very first game you played on a PC?
What would you do if your partner left you before the wedding?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
She played one hell of an amazing character.
Millennials have the biggest photographic black hole in modern history
How would you react if Henry gave you this look? 😌🤭
What are we using to wash the dishes?
Twink Henry Cavill
Which celebrity gives you "I sold my soul to the devil" vibes?
what should someone do with this space?
Sometimes I hit “Reply All” on purpose just to watch the chaos
What’s the most unexpected and uniquely thoughtful way someone has shown you love recently?
You have to name your child like this:
Gray hair 😮
Zoombinis Logical Journey
If a child ask you “What is the purpose of being alive” how would you respond?
Boom… I mean bloom
Henry Cavill at my age is NOT a sight i was prepared for, holy cow🤤🫠
🔥The Tibetan sand fox. Their skull shape and short ears give them a very distinctive appearance.🔥
How do you handle your wigglebutts?
Got this lovely, fun vintage woolen suit set at a charity shop for $8, wondering what sort of blouse I should get to wear with it. More in comments