When Sonaze shippers realize they're shipping the same character from Different Dimensions:
How Godzilla and Mothra should interacting imo
I am heavy Weapons guy
I'm leaving CoS reddit now for good
Gorgeous Pink Organic Frigate
Outjerked yet again
Just discovered a new species, what should I call it?
◈◂⊟⊟◹℗◤◢▮⌌■◇▽▷D◈◉►◢$▻◢◂◈⊟ 🤣🤣
I'm working on my project's Design motifs when it comes to Dinos, and I'm wondering if would Air Sacs n Neck Balloons work well with Specworld's Artstyle for their Sauropod Mimicks?
So... since someone on Reddit is a bit angry at me and brought it to wiki, did I do a good apology?
What will you have after 500 years optimus!
Got banned from r/dinosaurs FOR A WHOLE YEAR cause I criticised burlapin
Shockwave and Needle
Shockwave and Soundwave
I love seeing old things like this then seeing how good the game is now
Does anyone else not like the Indoraptor?
What could be a possible context where this line would actually be good?
Is there a channel like Spacedock for fictional trains?
Is a Headphone addiction real?
I literally cannot count how many times I've been killed by galiryn