My lean / poverty FIRE plans are going well but I am struggling to find someone similar who wants to settle down.
Any occult/magick conferences?
Delivery drivers, what days do you work?
How does perspectives/life change throughout the FIRE journey?
How did you 40s differ from your 30s?
What do filipinas who move to US do for job?
39M want to marry a filipina. What's a good strategy plan?
Cancelling planet fitness - any issues?
Horrific shedding due to Finasteride, what's the best haircut?
What splurge do you expecting ER?
Best haircut for shedding phase of finasteride?
Are IRVA events good?
I am 40 but look 24
Has anyone gone from unusually bad at RV to pretty good?
What do you think of condotels?
Would you recommend working in a hotel or fast food to build confidence and skills?
What's the best fast food company to work for?
Has anyone gotten into MENSA with help of dualnback?
What do you think of the position "Zone Leader"?
40 years old and still not confident (neurodivergent)
At what point does men's dating market become totally cooked?
What is your genuine opinion of r/wallstreetbets
Would it be stoic to eat in a soup kitchen once in a while?